© Dirck Byler, Rwanda 2018
We are an IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Task Force comprised of
the world's leading ape conservation experts with the goal of providing advice about avoidance, reduction, and restoration of the negative impacts of large-scale development projects on apes, and recommendations for ways that companies can also contribute positively to ape conservation.
This is a Task Force of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that draws upon the expertise of members of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group (PSG) Section on Great Apes (SGA) and Section on Small Apes (SSA) to advise large-scale development projects that have the potential to, or are already, affecting apes and their habitat.
We also draw from the larger expertise within IUCN, such as through IUCN's Business, finance and economics program and Oil Palm Task Force. We operate with a grant provided by the Arcus Foundation to Re:wild (formerly Global Wildlife Conservation) to support the time we invest in advising industry, governments, lending banks and consultancy firms who are interested in doing less harm and/or contributing positively to ape conservation and adhering to the gold-standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
We consider our work free from bias and all members of the IUCN engaged in consultations must sign a Conflict of Interest (COI) Statement, which is publicly available on our website, and abide by the IUCN SSC Code of Conduct.